Many experts have predicted that the introduction of self-driving cars will mean the decline of insurance companies. A Morgan Stanley report back in 2016 estimated that the insurance industry would dwindle by as much as 80 percent by the year 2040. Newer research,...
Personally investing in each client’s legal
objectives and achieving those goals together.
Personal Injury
Examples of post-accident medical expenses
You're involved in a car accident, and it wasn't your fault. Perhaps someone else ran a red light or hit you while texting and driving. Either way, you wound up in the hospital, and the costs are astronomical. It's nothing you're prepared to pay for on your own. At a...
Effects of spinal cord injuries vary greatly
A spinal cord injury will impact your life and the life of each person in your family. It can also affect your friends. The changes that everyone has to deal with will depend on the severity of the injury and the way that is alters your abilities. There are many...
A celebrity chef is killed in a Eisenhower Expressway crash
A nine-vehicle car crash near the intersection of Wells Street and Congress Parkway at 4:20 p.m., on Saturday, Jan. 27 left one motorist dead and nearly a dozen others with varying injuries. Chicago police have since identified the 35-year-old decedent as having most...
Safety groups urge cautious approach to self-driving cars
The Illinois House Transportation Committee approved a bill in March that paved the way for fully autonomous vehicles to use the state's streets and highways. Several auto and technology companies have vowed to bring such a vehicle to the market within five years, and...
Important steps to take in the aftermath of a car accident
Illinois drivers who are involved in a car accident should check to see if others have been injured if they have not themselves. While injured people should only be moved if necessary, vehicles should be moved out of the way to prevent another accident. A driver who...
Should self-driving cars make choices in a collision?
Self-driving cars may be the future. Or so we are made to believe. By some estimates, these cars are expected to see a compounded annual growth of 134% between now and 2020. But as legislation struggles to catch up with innovation, many good questions are arising. Can...
Personal Injury
Having many clients with Injuries, and as a personal injury Attorney firm, is pleased to announce that Randall P. Steele, Attorney at Law, founding member was recently awarded the distinguished honor as being a top 10...
Personal Injury
Personal Injury J&J Offered $1.3M to Silence a Talcum Powder Victim By Ephrat Livni, Esq. on July 29, 2016 5:58 AM suing Johnson and Johnson, the premiere talcum powder purveyor, for fraud, negligence, and failure to warn of the risk of ovarian cancer created...