Steele Law Offices, LLC

Your hometown attorney for life’s legal matters

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Steele Law Offices, LLC

Your home town attorney for life’s legal matters

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Photo of Randall P. Steele

Personally investing in each client’s legal
objectives and achieving those goals together.

Photo of Exterior of the Office Building of Steele Law Offices, LLC

Personally investing in each client’s legal
objectives and achieving those goals together.

Photo of Exterior of the Office Building of Steele Law Offices, LLC

Estate Planning

The steps of estate planning

When you have spent a lifetime working hard to acquire assets, you want to make sure that upon your death, or should you become incapacitated, your treasures go to the right people. This is one of the main purposes of estate planning. Estate planning can be complex,...

What is a special needs trust?

If you are raising a teenager who has a serious disability, you may already recognize he or she will be unable to work as an adult. Fortunately, you have the financial means to support your son or daughter during your lifetime. After your death, though, your child may...

When should I update my estate plan?

Creating an estate plan is an ongoing process. Often, you experience a significant event that moves estate planning up your to-do list, like having a baby or investing in real estate. However, putting together your estate plan is not a one-and-done type of document....

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