Steele Law Offices, LLC

Your hometown attorney for life’s legal matters

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to speak with Randall 

Steele Law Offices, LLC

Your home town attorney for life’s legal matters

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Photo of Randall P. Steele

Personally investing in each client’s legal
objectives and achieving those goals together.

Photo of Exterior of the Office Building of Steele Law Offices, LLC

Personally investing in each client’s legal
objectives and achieving those goals together.

Photo of Exterior of the Office Building of Steele Law Offices, LLC


Should a bankruptcy come before divorce?

Money problems commonly lead to marital discord and then to divorce. For potential divorcees who are swimming in debt, questions may arise as to whether they should file for bankruptcy prior to divorce. After all, they probably know that the divorce could involve...

How an uncontested divorce benefits you

If you are considering divorce or going through one, it is either contested or uncontested. A contested divorce is one in which you and your spouse have at least one point of disagreement. It could be over debt, child custody, ownership of the house or something else...

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